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Friday, November 15, 2013

Comet Ison Viewing


The forecast changed a little, but we should still be okay! The clouds are coming around 6:00 am for a 30% cover, and by 7:00 am it would be 50% cover. Regardless, let's hope that we can view Ison at 5:00 am! Be there earlier than you anticipated!

Saturday's forecast shows some clouds that will roll in by 6:00 am. Earlier
viewing is recommended.

Below is a sky map showing where comet Ison will be in the eastern sky. The best way to locate comet Ison is to find the Big Dipper, follow the arc of the handle to Arcturus (in Bootes) then keep that arc until you hit Spica in Virgo. Comet Ison is right above Spica!

In addition, there will be Mars and Mercury to look at, as well as Jupiter in the western part of the sky. The almost full Moon will be setting in the west at that time, and there is a possibility of spotting some meteors (part of the Leonid meteor shower). So even if we don't spot Ison, there will be plenty for us to see!

Eastern skies about an hour before sunrise - Note how many comets there are!
Mercury and Mars should also be visible.

See you tomorrow! CLEAR SKIES!!!


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Comet Ison Viewing UPDATE!

Comet Ison Viewing UPDATE!

Friday morning is looking CLOUDY so we won't observe on that morning.

Saturday however is forecast to be CLEAR! If you can make it to OCC at 5:15 / 5:30 am , then you should! I will be there at 5:00 am to setup (you're welcome to come early too).

Clear skies forecast for Saturday morning at 5:00 am. Temperature will be between 28-32 degrees F, and
humidity a little high which will make the transparency below average, but we should be okay.

We will meet on the Orchard Lake side of campus, by M-Building where the traffic circle and flag pole is. There's the short term parking lot (Parking LOT 5) where you can park.  We will probably stand at one of the traffic islands there marked by the red star on the map below

Map of OCC-OR. Meet at red marker - park in LOT 5.

Please dress for the weather, it will be cold, but comet Ison is now visible with the naked eye so it's worth it! Hope to see some of you there! (There will be coffee / hot chocolate, donuts, and a bunch of binoculars and telescopes)