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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Planets, Clusters, and a Neighboring Galaxy...

Astronomy students viewing M13
Wednesday, September 25, 2013 - 9:00 pm
As we marked the beginning of fall earlier last week, certain objects in the western sky are starting to leave us (i.e Saturn). We were lucky to have been able to see it through the 6" SkyQuest this week as it will soon no longer be visible.

Venus however will remain in our skies and will gradually increase in altitude each night after sunset.

Though we didn't go to the soccer field (due to some questionable clouds that were roaming in from the West), we did manage to find a nice spot atop of the "hill" on the circle drive of building A (seen in the picture behind us). Despite the parking lot lights, constellations of Cygnus, Lyra, Sagittarius (Teapot), Ursa Major, Cassiopeia, Hercules, Aquilla, and Boรถtes were nicely visible to us. In the view later in the night was also Perseus, Andromeda and Pegasus. We managed to look at various objects through the two telescopes we had setup:

- Venus
- Saturn
- Mizar & Alcor
- Wild Duck Cluster
- Andromeda Galaxy
- Great Globular Cluster in Hercules

In addition, some students were utilizing the binoculars, and some were even able to see the Andromeda galaxy through them. Overall, it was a great night that cleared up quite nicely as it got late. The weather was warm, the people were excited to stand in line to look through the telescopes (some more than others), and we even managed to spot a slow moving satellite at some point.

Keep looking up! Clear Skies!!!


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