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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Total Lunar Eclipse of October 8, 2014

A collage of the Lunar Eclipse.
Note: Only the first half of the eclipse
was visible from Michigan. 
We had a very successful viewing of the Total Lunar Eclipse on October 8. It was great to see a dedicated group of people show up so early to witness the eclipse. The weather was a bit chilly, but the skies were clear and offered us a perfect view of the eclipse, Jupiter, and some winter constellations such as Orion, Canis Major, Auriga, and Taurus. We got the opportunity to view Uranus through the telescope as it was very close to the Moon. We also viewed the Orion Nebula, and Jupiter with it's 4 Galilean moons. Overall, it was an eventful early morning, that ended with the eclipsing moon setting in the west, and the crisp October morning sun rising.

The Lunar Eclipse Close to Totality
Notice the planet Uranus
The Orion Constellation - October 8, 2014
Notice the Orion Nebula

The Orion Nebula - October 8, 2014
Taken with Nikon D5100 w/ 18 mm Nikkor Zoom Lens
The eclipsing Moon setting as the Sun is rising.
Sunrise Animation - October 8, 2014
Sunrise - October 8, 2014
Oakland Community College - Farmington Hills, MI

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